“So sick from all of the scars they left searching for more than this life can give at night when you feel all alone. I'll tell you about tomorrow.”
Most people think that what I did was horrible and that there is something wrong with me, but I believe that it was normal behavior, I wanted something, so I took it. I was tired of waiting around for her to realize how perfect we were together because truth is told, I didn’t think that she would ever want me. Not in this life, but maybe in the next life, or that’s what I keep telling myself. I hope she can forgive me, and we can get past this. All relationships have a rough path, right? This just happens to be ours. Michaela will forgive me, and I just have to be patient. The only way I’d let her go would have to include me dying, and even in death, I would find a way to make her mine. I’m sure you are reading this and thinking that I'm completely obsessed with her. I call it love. I was completely in love with her, and I'd do anything to make sure she knew that because looking into her eyes made me believe she loved me. She does love me. I just have to prove to her that what we have is real and that no matter what happens, I will protect her. Michaela was mine, even if she didn’t know it. Did she forget what I did for her? How could she forget?
Josh’s mind was on a constant loop, the loop that always landed on her. From her smile to her laugh and the innocence in her green eyes. Josh needed to snap out of it because she had a boyfriend. That’s what he told himself. The repeated knocks on his door caused him to lift his head forward as his finger combed through his blonde hair, shaking his head to regain himself. “It’s open; come in.” His blue pools fixated on the door as it slowly crept open. His eyes widened as he noticed the tears in her eyes. “Man, sorry, I would’ve used the spare, but I had to help her.” Tyler’s words circulated in his head as he stood upward; his eyes shifted from Tyler back to Michaela. “What the hell happened? Why are you crying?” Neither one of them spoke, which only made the anger in him boil over. Normally he couldn’t get Tyler to shut up, and now that he actually wanted him to speak--he was mute.
“Tyler, I am not going to ask you again.” Tyler nodded his head. “Look, I need you to calm down,” Tyler replied as he pulled Michaela to the couch; she wiped away the tears that managed to escape before covering her face with her palms. “Ty, you are my friend, but unless you want me to lose it on you, then you will start talking.” His azure eyes never drifted from Michaela. Tyler knew better than to push it-especially when it came to Michaela. “Fine. I know that I can’t tell you not to do anything drastic because you probably will..” Tyler paused, nodding his head a few times. “It was Dallas, and he invited us to the house.” Josh lifted his hand upward to cut Tyler off, and Josh didn’t hear another word. “Take care of her, and I'll be back.” The room was silent; Tyler was aware of the relationship between Dallas and Josh, so he didn’t even try to stop him.
The scene before him was one that was rather pitiful, even for Josh Grant. His blue eyes shifted from one side of the room to the other, his back rested against the crimson wall, inhaling a deep breath as he clutched tighter onto the crystal glass which was filled with the auburn liquid and his head rattled as he inhaled once more. The man sitting in the darkest part of the room couldn’t believe that he had let Michaela get close to his brother because now she was crying in his apartment due to Dalla’s actions. His brother. His fucking brother. Tilting the glass backward, the liquid slowly glides down the depths of his throat, which causes a warmth to enclose his muscular frame.
“Don’t you look delicious.” He scanned her features before a dry chuckle resonated from his throat.
“Don’t waste my time, sweet cheeks. Move along. I have more important things to do, and you aren’t on the menu.” He said in a stern voice, shifting his gaze towards the man that had stumbled across the dance floor.
“You might be hot, but you’re a first-class asshole.” He stands to his full statuesque length once more in the same compelling manner he did everything. His head shook briefly as his digits buckled the first button on his suit. His azure eyes stayed fixated on the person he had been watching all night, slipping into the alleyway; he rested against the concrete wall.
“Brother, is this what we are doing now?” The sheer shook in his Brother’s face caused laughter to resonate from Josh’s throat, his head rattling with each step he took forward.
“I know that you always want what you can’t have, but I told you not to.” He pauses momentarily to avert his gaze toward the flaxen female before casting a wink in her direction, which only causes her to giggle.
“Be a doll and leave. You can get him back after I’m done, and he’ll pay you to double.” The blonde nodded her head a few times before she shuffled back inside.
“Where were we? Oh, yes.” He took one step forward, tilted his head slightly, and inhaled deeply.
“What happened to you, brother? I used to look up to you, and now. Now, I am utterly disgusted. You couldn’t just let this one go. You just had to go after her, right? You just never learn, and now I see you here trying to get your dick wet with some stripper. Michaela wasn’t enough, aye?”
Dallas stepped closer to Josh, laughing at his younger brother as he pressed his palms against his chest to push Josh backward. “Boy, who do you think you are talking to? Show some respect. If it wasn’t for me, then you wouldn’t be this man right now. Don’t push me, Josh.”
Respect? Dallas had some nerve thinking that he deserved any type of respect. Josh had given his brother all his exes. They shared them like toys, and the majority of the time, Josh didn’t care for them, but Michaela, Michaela, was his, and Dallas knew this. But that wasn’t the worst part. The worst part was the fact that Michaela looked defeated. Dallas evidently did the print on her face. Dallas Grant was nothing but a piece of shit.
Taking a step backward, laughter emitted from the depths of his throat. His head was shaking as the laughter only grew louder and louder. His vision languidly became blurry, the anger that he held in his chest starting to swallow him whole as he took a few steps forward; hovering over his brother as his left arm lifted upward, clutching his fist and crashing it against the cheek of his brother’s which causes him to stumble backward. Laughing as he continued to send his fist downward, punch after punch. Josh released his anger against his brother’s face, hovering over him as he placed his designer shoes against his brother’s ear, pressing his weight down before leaning downward, his cobalt hues narrowed into slits.
“Dallas, respect is earned, and I don’t respect you. Not one bit. This was the last straw, and if you come near Michaela or me again, I'll kill you myself. Are we clear?” Josh stood to his full stature, bawdy fingers smoothing the wrinkles in his dark suit as he combed his digits through his short blonde locks.
“Stay out of my way, Dallas.”
She didn’t remember that I was always at her side. Did she see Dallas when she looked at me?
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